The move follows a spate of deadly building collapse in Kiambu and Nairobi.
The sector grew 6.6% in 2021 compared with 10.1% in 2020.
Rents have dropped to Sh138 per square metre from Sh162 in 2014.
Katani and Sabaki land is not for sale, NSSF warns investors.
The airfield will be located at Gatuanyaga Village, Thika East.
The 740km road will open up the north eastern region to trade.
The design consultant will be tasked with revitalizing the central core of the UNON facility.
EBK is seeking to set minimum fees for engineering services.
The industry grew 11.8% last year compared with 5.6% in 2019.
Seizure of defaulting tenant's property outlawed in draft law.