The four skywalks have been under construction for two years.
Money will fund the construction of a 550km railway between Dar es Salaam and Matukupora.
The project will be completed ahead of the 2021 Lokichar oil production target.
The Konza-Isinya transmission line is funded by China Exim Bank.
The 219 km highway, which will be built in two segments, was scheduled to begin in July.
The project is part of the Kenya Ports Authority's Sh310 billion ports investment program.
Over 30 street poles worth Sh2.5 million vandalized in Nairobi in three months.
The facility features an 11.8km water diversion channel from River Maragua to Ndakaini Dam.
The facility is now set to welcome the first super post-panamas vessel on October 20.
KIND has opened its fourth overseas office in Nairobi.