The government was seeking to raise Sh57 billion annually from 2.5 million workers.
The Konza-Isinya transmission line is funded by China Exim Bank.
Each of the two-bedroom houses under phase one of the project will be sold at Sh3 million.
The 219 km highway, which will be built in two segments, was scheduled to begin in July.
The project is part of the Kenya Ports Authority's Sh310 billion ports investment program.
Shopping malls are posting huge losses as ongoing supply glut compels landlords to cut rents.
Over 30 street poles worth Sh2.5 million vandalized in Nairobi in three months.
The facility will help the company overcome power inefficiencies.
New law orders counties to punish applicants who fail to complete projects within five years.
The tower has added 300,000 sq feet of Grade A office space in Upper Hill.