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Cost of Roofing Materials

Price estimates for popular roofing materials in Kenya.

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Roofing tiles in Kenya.
Modern roofing materials. PHOTO | FILE

Homeowners have numerous choices when it comes to buying roofing materials in Kenya; from iron sheets, and wooden tiles to concrete tiles and shingles, among other products.

Roofing materials are trending towards engineered products due to the rising cost of natural materials and the high returns offered by engineered materials.

While the upfront cost of roofing is a major consideration, the service life and maintenance costs must also be considered to ascertain which material offers the best value.

The cost of roofing materials in Kenya depends on the type and quality of the product.

Roofing Sheets Prices in Kenya

Here are popular types of iron sheets in Kenya and their prices.

Roofing sheet prices in Kenya range from as low as Sh300 per metre for the thinnest grade with high-quality pre-painted sheets going for up to Sh1,600 per metre.

Mabati Rolling Mills’ iron sheets brand Galsheet Resincot (Gauge 30) goes for Sh676 per metre, with a similar gauge of unpainted Dumuzas going for Sh525 per metre.

The company’s Elegantile roofing sheet (Gauge 28) goes for Sh1,530 per metre, with a similar gauge of Versatile and Orientile sheets going for Sh1,285 and 1,530 per metre.

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MRM’s MaxCover roofing sheet (Gauge 28) goes for Sh1,230 per metre, with Gauge 30 of Covermax going for Sh996 per metre.

Imarisha Mabati Wave Tile goes for Sh865 (Grade 28), while Imarisha Mabati Bamboo Tile retails at Sh865. Imarisha Box G 28 profile goes for Sh845.

Rain gutters retail for about Sh1,200. On the other hand, the cost of roofing ridges in Kenya is between Sh325 and Sh1,400 depending on the brand and vendor.

MRM’s 487mm Ridge 28G Chocolate Textured, for example, goes for Sh1,320 per piece, while the company’s MaxCover 30G Maroon Smooth retails at Sh996.

Ridges, also known as ridge caps are dip galvanized metal sheets designed to be fitted at the peak of a galvanized iron sheet roof where opposing roof planes meet. They are meant to keep unwanted elements such as rainwater and dust from getting into the building.

Cost of Roofing Nails

Like roofing sheets, the cost of roofing nails in Kenya varies depending on the quality.

A kilo of ordinary roofing nails goes for about Sh350, while galvanized roofing nails, which are best at preventing roofing sheets from rust, retail at Sh400 per kilo.

High-quality serrated nails retail for Sh950 per kilo.

Installing clay roofing tiles costs between Sh1,200 to Sh2,500 per square foot, while concrete roofing tiles will cost you about Sh950 per square foot.

Concrete tiles are, however, cheaper than slate roofing tiles at Sh1,900 per square foot, and stone-coated steel tiles at Sh2,400 per square foot.

Roofing shingles are fast gaining popularity in Kenya thanks to their visual attractiveness. The materials cost about Sh2,500 per square foot, excluding the cost of roof trusses.

RELATED: Building and Construction Materials in Kenya

Copper felt tiles and transparent insulated roofs are some of the most expensive roofing materials in the market, with the latter going for Sh6,000 per square foot.

Due to the high installation cost, these materials are mainly used for small portions of the roof such as fanlight areas.

When choosing a roofing material, always consider not only the upfront cost of materials and labour but also the entire life-cycle cost. A mabati roof can last 15 years, but a slate roof can last for 85 years.

This clearly shows that the cheapest roofing product may not save you money in the long run. It therefore makes sense to pay the extra upfront cost.

When considering the durability of materials, have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of the manufacturer’s warranty. It is recommendable to buy commodities from reputable manufacturers who will be there should a warranty need arise many years later.

Editor’s Note: The above prices have been obtained from various retailers and are subject to change without notice. Visit your preferred vendor for more accurate prices.

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Peter Lugaria is a seasoned journalist with a degree in Communications from Daystar University with over a decade of experience in reporting on the latest building materials, fixtures, and appliances.