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UN Office Nairobi Seeks EOI for Design Consultancy Services
The design consultant will be tasked with revitalizing the central core of the UNON facility.

The United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON), the UN headquarters in Africa, has launched a call for expressions of interest for the provision of design consultancy services for the upgrade of conference facilities at its Gigiri mega-complex.
The UNON is seeking expressions of interest from qualified and interested vendors to participate in a Request for Proposal at a later stage for the provision of design consultancy services for the renovation and expansion of its conference facilities.
According to the UNON, the conference facilities in the 140-acre mega-complex are in need of renovation and expansion, and the Secretary-General has proposed a major project to modernize and significantly enhance the existing facility.
“The design consultancy services are required to address the deteriorating conditions and the limited capacity of the conference services facility,” the UNON says in its REOI notice.
“In keeping with the history and values of the Organization, the Design Consultant will be tasked with revitalizing the central core and the public face of the UNON facility in a manner befitting of the institution, and in particular, the two headquarters entities there – UNEP and UN-Habitat.”
A Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) has been published on the United Nations Global Market portal (UNGM), and can be accessed at the following link:
The procurement notice document can be accessed at the UNPD Internet Site:
The UNON says Expressions of Interest must be submitted no later than 9 January 2023, and requests for clarification must be sent in writing or by standard electronic communication to:
The UN facilities in Kenya were initially established in 1974 as the home of the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) and have rapidly evolved into a mega-complex serving the UN and its agencies in Africa.
The complex hosts the global headquarters for two programmes: UNEP and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
It also provides administrative and other support services to these programmes and the UN Resident Coordinator System.
The UNON provides joint and common services to other UN Country Offices, UN Regional Offices and UN entities based in Kenya.